Monday, October 02, 2006

Bangsar KL

Night shot
Originally uploaded by hnix.
I feel like 1.5 hours on the plane has transported me to another planet. There are cars, malls, LRT, organic groceries, orderly traffic and even ikea. There is also a very nice park nearby Michelle's place where I could go running. As much as Vietnam was a broadening and unique experience, I am glad to be here. I feel like I have a better sense of how I can live my life here... I feel a little more in my element, although it is still different enough to be interesting. Now I just need to find a place to live.

Today was my first day at ARROWand it went well as far as first days go. I have the usual feeling of being overwhelmed by new information and bewilderment about my role, and everyone elses for that matter. I am going to be working on one of two projects. The first is a regional group aiming to build partnerships and increase grassroots women's NGOs capacity to conduct research and evidence-based advocacy in South Asia, the second option is doing similar work but exclusively in Indonesia. When I met with the director today she told me that she would prefer that I work on the Indonesia project, but it looks like I would really need to take the helm on that one as they are currently without a program officer. The first program has one, but she is swamped and could use some help in writing and research in particular. I basically need to choose whether I want to further my experience in program coordination (which I was doing at the Y) or step into research. I am having a hard time with that choice because if I had no other info I would choose the research and working with someone option rather than the coordination and doing it myself option. The trouble is that I can see that the organization could use my help and really I came into this second chance at an internship being open to anything. When it comes down to it I am happy to be doing working at all! I am very impressed with ARROW's organization in terms of getting me set up. I already have a workspace, a server log-in, an email address and work to do.
Things are picking up at last!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I am so happy you finally have something to do at work!!