Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Off to Tra Vinh

Originally uploaded by Pham Duy Anh.
Tomorrow morning I leave my hotel to catch the 8:30 plane to Ho Chi Min city with Hien (WUSC logistics person) and then on to Tra Vinh.
I am pretty excited about it, not that I don't like Hanoi, but because I am ready to settle in somewhere and actually start my work.
It may still be a hotel life for me though. We will be staying at the Tra Vinh Palace hotel (pictured right---there are other pics of TV on this person's Flickr.)
I don't have a clear understanding of it, but this hotel has a longer-term residence also that I will check out. There was another housing option suggested for me, a newly renovated 2-bedroom house, but they wanted me to buy a fridge and stove and I am not really up for that.
I hope that this hotel option will be good as it is affordable (2.5 million Dong or about 200 USD) and is close to where I will be working.

I am looking forward to buying a bike in Tra Vinh too! I have felt so lazy in the heat of Hanoi.


Anonymous said...

Tra vinh! The hotel looks nice from the outside. There's something inviting about an old pink building.... I hope you do get a bike-- and a helmet! Here's to hoping the weather is more tolerable down south too. The pemberton valley is probably nearly as unbearable as hanoi, though not even near as humid. We hit 50C the other day! Feirce interns in hot climates, persevere, and don't spend all your dong in one place!

Anonymous said...

Fierce interns in hot climates, haha.. Too much. Seems like this heat wave is every where though, I hope the climate is better. I've fallen behind on the blog entries but seeing Jesse loading it up this morning reminded me to do some catching up. Hopefully things are settling down and the accomadations are reasonable. The hotel looks nice.. on the surface. I'll be looking for the pictures of the gritty details...
